.. labibi documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Sun Nov 4 10:10:29 2012. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. 2013 CEMI Workshop at Caltech ============================= =============== ============================================================= Day Schedule =============== ============================================================= Tuesday 9/17 * 1:15pm: Igor Antoschechkin on local sequencing core * 2pm Lecture: `Cloud computing etc. <_static/cemi-cloud-computing.pptx.pdf>`__ * Afternoon lab 1: :doc:`amazon/index` * 3:30pm lecture: `BLAST <_static/cemi-lecture-blast.pptx.pdf>`__ * Afternoon lab 2: :doc:`tuesday` * Final lecture: `A belated welcome! <_static/cemi-lecture-welcome.pptx.pdf>`__ Wednesday 9/18 * 9am: lecture, `Short read mapping <_static/cemi-lecture-mapping.pptx.pdf>`__ * morning lab: :doc:`reads_and_qc` * morning lab 2: :doc:`bwa_mapping` * 1:15pm: assembly exercise * 2pm: lecture, `Assembly <_static/cemi-assembly.pptx.pdf>`__ Thursday 9/19 * lab: :doc:`assembly-lab` and :doc:`blastkit` * ~10am: lecture: `metagenome assembly <_static/2013-cemi-metag-assembly.pptx.pdf>`__ * late morning lab: :doc:`prokka-annotation` * afternoon lab: :doc:`some-exercises` * afternoon lecture: `pipelines <_static/lecture5-pipelines.pdf>`__ and automation * tutorial: `the shell `__ Friday 9/20 * **Arms building first floor (Buwalda Room 151A)** * 9am: lecture: `metagenome assembly <_static/2013-cemi-assembly-methods.pptx.pdf>`__ * morning: open lab time to work through pipelines (see especially `Kalamazoo Metagenome Assembly `__ and :doc:`some-exercises` * :doc:`more-resources` * Assembly :doc:`scavenger-hunt` * **ends** 1pm; lunch with Titus, Chris, Yoshiki at Sansai. =============== ============================================================= For even more resources on these topics, check out the course website for the `GED's ANGUS course `__ which is run at MSU every summer. Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`